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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Promote Your Business - Money Back Guaranty

We help you to grow your own Business equally in metros as well as in small towns.

In early days, All companies restricted to newspapers only. But with the introduction of the Internet, it has almost received a new meaning. There are many ways to promote company to worldwide in short time.

There are many websites that are offering free classified ads with the help of which one could advertise the business without any hassles. Free classified ads will be the best affordable and reasonable way to advertise the business if anyone runs a small business and wants to introduce it to a large crowd.

Online Classified Ad Syndication is the most preferred and one of the easiest ways to increase website traffic. Classified Ad Syndication is one of the means of advertising your services directly and also drives decent amounts of traffic directly to your websites.

Moreover the free classifieds ads posted on web reach to people through online e-newspaper and in the form of ad links which a user can see while accessing his mails or while visiting his favorite site, these links directs user to that particular classified site which is full of ads in fact useful ads. It benefits both the provider and the user.

Online Classifieds not only helps sellers to increase their sales but also benefits buyers because buyers get first hand information through these classifieds, which they can easily find with the help of advertisements links on web. Free classified ads help to expand your business by crossing the boundaries of districts then states and finally come to national level. This is how a business grows. Absence of these classifieds can decrease your efficiency. That’s why in today’s time it is true to be said that doing business without advertising is not an efficient business.

Sometimes when a buyer wants to buy something but he leaves it because of lack in knowledge or due to unavailability of that particular product. If he gets the knowledge about that product through classified which is free for him to access, then he will immediately call that particular number present on, will inquire about it and go ahead with his purchase. Hence it helps seller to sell his product and to spread awareness about his product, simultaneously benefits buyer by getting that product easily with full knowledge. Free classified ads are used not only for selling products but also for advertising some important news or events. There are number of advantages associated with classified ads.

We have 3 Ways to promote your business with nominal charges.

Classified Advertisement Plans

2000 Ads

5000 Ads

10,000 Ads

20,000 Ads

Note : Ads will be posted by our team. Not by Ad posting Work members.

SMS Advertisement Plans

10,000 SMS

20,000 SMS

30,000 SMS

40,000 SMS

Note : We use our Mobile Numbers Database. Otherwise you have to Provide us.

EMAIL Advertisement Plans

5000 Emails

10,000 Emails

20,000 Emails

30,000 Emails

Note : We use our Email Address Database. Otherwise you have to Provide us.

How to start?:

First chose your Package and make payment by Cash or deposit the fund in our bank A/C.
Send us your ad matter with your contact details. ( Ex : ad title, description, phone number, address and Website ) If you don't have decide then we will suggest you according to your business.
Money Back Guaranty : We provide guaranty for getting inquiries from our promotions. We will promote your business till inquiries will be made. Otherwise we will give money back.

After Payment Please send us below mentioned details on our Email.

( 1 ) URL – URL which you want to submit.
( 2 ) Title – Your main targeted Anchor text.( 3 ) Description – Small description about 200-250 Characters.( 4 ) keywords: – 4-5 keywords.( 5 ) Category – Main category & 2-3 alternative categories.( 6 ) Your Full name- which I’ll use as a submitter name.( 7 ) Your Email:- which will be use in Submissions.( 8 ) Address Details:- location of your site, country.( 9 ) Your Email: – Email where we will send completion report.

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