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Thursday, November 10, 2011

CBI experiments with Facebook to solve cases

New Delhi, Nov 9,  Striking a direct e-connect with the people, like many government organisations have done, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is now experimenting with online social networking with its Bhopal unit joining Facebook to seek information from people on cases.
'The CBI Bhopal unit is the first one to join the Facebook social networking site on an experimental basis. If the response is good the other wings of the investigating agency will also open their own page in Facebook,' a CBI official told IANS.
The CBI's Bhopal unit opened its Facebook page last weeek and also sought help from the public on any reliable clues to solve the murder case of RTI activist Shehla Masood.
'This is an official page of CBI Bhopal, and not a page certified by a private person. I have to say categorically that citizens of Bhopal respond to us with desired seriousness and expectations,' Hemant Priyadarshy, DIG, CBI, Bhopal posted in the Facebook page.
Right to Information and green activist Masood was killed outside her home in Bhopal Aug 16.
The case was transferred from Bhopal wing of CBI to Delhi which is probing the case. The agency in September announced an award of Rs.5 lakh for anyone providing credible information about the murder.
The Facebook page also stated that CBI Bhopal looks into cases of corruption and citizens are encouraged to share any relevant inputs and information relating to crime and corruption the states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.
'Any specific information relating to corruption will go a long way in fighting corruption. The presence of CBI Bhopal on Facebook is recent, please spread the word to Faceboook community,' Priyadarshy added in his post.
Delhi Police and Delhi Traffic Police have opened Facebook pages that are inviting many hits.

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