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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

paid Through calls Earn money from your mobile and phone

Are you an expert on one topic or the other? Then this is the best place to cash your time you spend on the phone. Ya you got me right. Today I would like to inform you about a site which helps you to make money by receiving calls and giving out your advices in your expertise field. You just don't need to do any extra work to earn money from this site.

First you have to register with this site and then create a listing in which you are good at. For example, if you are a specialist in neurology, then create a listing regarding that and save it. Then your listing will be added to their directory. So now when people who are having doubts regarding that they they call you for your advices. So now for the number of minutes you have spent talking to them, you will be paid for that. The amount you are going to charge is completely flexible and is your wish. Now let me show you the way on how to increase your business.

How To Increase Your Business Using Ether:

So now you have understood about ether. So if you are a specialist in a particular type of field then not only you can get paid by ether, but you can also improve your business. Just create a squidoo page about your profession or business(a website is more recommendable) and then add your ether number. Also try to provide your ether number in forums, social media and in your website. Also you can have a small plugin sort of thing to add in your site so that by clicking that those people can call you directly. So once they call you regarding information, just provide small hints and try to attract those people by saying that there is more to know and ask them to visit your office. If the doubt they have asked is small after answering them just tickle them with a small extra information. So you can get a good reputation and finally you can make yourself popular.

Right now entering into marketing changed my way of approach. Right now what I want to tell you is "THINK BIG". Try to maximise your revenue potential by interlinking different ways. That is what I talk more about. So if you like the overall concept then join Ether right now.

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