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Sunday, November 13, 2011

How To Conquer Adult Acne

We talk about health, weight management and wellbeing a lot in this blog but there are a few topics that still feel, well, a little taboo to talk about as grown-ups. One of these is adult acne.
The clever guys from Precision Nutrition recently did a lot of research into just which foods, vitamins and minerals really help or hinder acne… and being pretty friendly with the topic myself, their findings really resonated with me.
Here, I list the top foods to include and avoid in your diet if clear skin is your goal – and also a few cosmetic tips to keep your skin clear and boost your confidence.
So here we go...
What can make acne worse?
  • Low levels of antioxidant vitamins and minerals (so eat a colourful diet)
  • Food that is highly processed and cooked at high temperatures
  • Food that creates an insulin spike (sugary or refined foods)
  • Dairy
  • Gluten, particularly from wheat
  • Whey protein
  • Stress & poor gut health
What can make acne better?
  • Whole plant foods
  • Eating less or eating smaller portions at each sitting
  • Cocoa (so raw, dark chocolate is great!)
  • Omega-3 fats from oily fish and some seeds such as flax and chia
  • Pre/Probiotics
  • Fresh spices and herbs, particularly cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, basil, garlic
  • Green tea
  • Walnuts & almonds
  • Dark green and purple vegetables/fruits
  • Free range eggs
  • Tomatoes
  • Resveratrol from grapes, red wine, mulberries, peanuts
  • Vitamin B5
  • Zinc & Selenium from seafood, wild game, brazil nuts.
The bottom line
  • Whole, unprocessed foods are best
  • Cut down on sugar
  • If you’re going to eat dairy, go fermented (yoghurt) over standard (milk)
  • Try cutting out wheat and gluten
  • Take a probiotic and eat prebiotic goods
  • Eat loads of fresh vegetables and fruit
  • Sip on green tea
  • Eat a colourful diet (and I’m not talking about mixed lollies here!)
What about what you put ON your face?
  • If you’re an acne sufferer, the best thing you’ll ever do is see a skin specialist and have them prescribe you a good quality Vitamin A product to apply topically. It’s like magic!
  • When it comes to makeup, mineral powders are your best bet. I find a lot of them make your pores stand out though, so make sure you get a good one. The best we’ve uncovered are from the Jane Iredale range.
  • Avoid products containing Lanolins, Isopropyl Myristate (or any ingredients containing part of these two words), or too much artificial colour 
Hope all this helps girls 'n' guys.............................................................................................................

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