Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Website Leasing & Earning

Web Lease
Why to lease website
Instead of buying the website if you'll make it lease till validity date, you will be saving high cost of a top quality website & also you can approach a risk free online marketing. In that way all businesses can benefit by saving the high capital.
Quality websites could be expensive, so website leasing is the next logical step in web design & search engine optimization, so that any business can have the tremendous benefits of a professionally designed & fully operational website. The website will be created according the type of the business & the companies have a risk-free way to get online business i.e., Lease a qualitative website at a less capital for your product promotion online to get highest returns.
Web Promotion
Any business person interested in getting more referrals needs to take web based promotion seriously, and this is the best service out there. We can get your website looking and performing at its best, at a price you can afford. 
Web site is a great marketing tool for your products or services. But to make it work, your have to market the site itself first ;-) Once you have a decent, steady stream of visitors coming to your site, it will pay you back the big way. With successful web site promotion. Understand that working with someone experienced in this field is crucial to getting traffic to your web site for your product promotion. you want to promote your site and that too on internet then the best way to tell about your site is to get top rankings in search engines and it can be attained through methods known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) also sometime termed as Website Promotion.
Packages / Services
  • This package is for those who has limited resources but you need quality 
  • This package is for those to get heavy traffic of clients as soon as Possible.
Business Plan
Joining amount
  • Lite : INR 25,000
  • Premium: INR 50,000
Direct Referral / Spill Income
  • Lite: 25,000 = INR 2000 Direct / Spill
  • Premium: 50,000 = INR 5000 Direct/Spill
Registration Form

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